We've revolutionized the way you learn with AI.

It's now more enjoyable and interactive than ever before. The Mathi-AI web app uses AI to enable you to write on an interactive whiteboard and chat with an AI tutor about your math, physics, or chemistry on your whiteboard.

Info For Schools ↓

The interactive whiteboard

The interactive whiteboard enables you to simply draw your math on the whiteboard, save it, and then ask a question about what you've drawn. This way of communication offers several benefits compared to typing the math out with a keyboard.

Why this approach is better then a keyboard

  • Drawing complex expression visualzy
  • Draw symbols that may be difficult to write with a keyboard
  • Speeds up communication between you and the AI tutor
  • Submit answers to the Roadmaps through the whitebaord

Our Roadmaps

Our Roadmaps are carefully curated learning paths designed to help you master various subjects. Each Roadmap is equipped with exercises, explanations, and most importantly, the ability to submit your answers through the whiteboard dynamically. If your answer is correct, you can earn XP, level up and earn MathiTokens that can be spent on the AI Calculator and Smartmode.

Why the Roadmaps are better then online courses

  • Submit answers through the whiteboard in a user-friendly way, without having to conform to a specific format
  • If you're stuck, you can get help and hints from the AI tutor
  • Level and earn MathiTokens that can be spent on Smartmode and the AI Calculator
  • Enables you to master the following subjects: Math, physics, and chemistry.

Mathi-AI For Schools

Give students a personal tutor at their fingertips!

Enabling Mathi-AI for your school and giving all students access to a personal AI tutor is an excllent way to enhance their understanding of math, physics, and chemistry. Simply reach out to us, and we will schedule a meeting to understand your requirements and discuss how we can assist you. Typically, schools opt for the service, where we provide each student with a premium account and a specific number of recurring MathiTokens. These tokens allow students to access the personal AI tutor for assistance with any math, physics, or chemistry problems or concepts they may encounter.

Make the Teacher's roles more important and effective

Being a teacher is a challenging yet crucial profession. By enabling students to seek help from an AI-tutor, teachers can alleviate a significant portion of the tedious work they often have to handle. Sometimes students miss important content, forget certain concepts, or simply have additional questions beyond the scope of the subject matter. In such scenarios, allowing students to turn to the AI-tutor can be incredibly beneficial for both the students and the teacher. Now, the teacher can give additional focus on the students who truly need the extra help and motivation.

Disallow cheating and encourage curiosity and engagement

When enabling Mathi-AI for a school, we have the option to lock the "Hint depth level" to high. This means that the AI-tutor will adopt a more pedagogical approach, resembling that of a teacher. Instead of immediately revealing the answer to a question when asked, the AI-tutor will encourage students to attempt solving it themselves. It will solely provide guidance and hints and explanations in a step-by-step manner to ensure that students are following along and comprehending the underlying concepts.

Contact us

If you are a school, college, or a gymnasium looking to enhance your student's abilities in math, physics, and chemistry through AI assistants contact us here.